GYM4ALL Erasmus+ projekt

Objavljeno v soboto, 09. Julija 2022

V veselje nam je, da smo bili skupaj s partnerji izbrani za izvedbo projekta GYM4ALL. GK KNIN iz Hrvaške je vodja evropskega Erasmus+ projekta, ki združuje partnerje iz Hrvaške, Makedonije in Slovenije s ciljem izvajanja gimnastičnih treningov za otroke s posebnimi projekti od 1. julija 2022 do 1. julija 2024.


We are happy to announce that GK KNIN is the leader of the European Erasmus+ project called "GYM4ALL - Gymnastics for children with disabilities". Partners from Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia will conduct gymnastics training for children with developmental disabilities during the duration of the project (July 1, 2022-July 1, 2024) and develop guidelines for working with this group. This is also the first time that an organization from Knin is the holder of an Erasmus+ sport project, so we are all more than excited Image removed.

You will soon be able to read more about the project itself on the project's official website Image removed.